.ENERGY domain

Register your .energy

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DNS Tools

dns tools

Domain Name System Tools

With Hotlogic domain registration, you get a suite of domain name tools that allow you to manage your domain names easily.

web and email forwarding

Web and Email Forwarding

If you already have a website, you can point your domain name at your existing website. You can also create an unlimited number of email addresses for your registered domain. Emails sent to those addresses are forwarded to other email addresses.

dns servers

Name Servers

You can change your nameservers at anytime, although the use of nameservers is included as part of domain name registration, so you won't necessarily need to adjust these settings.

dns zone records

A, AAAA, CName Records

Create, update or remove any number of domain zone records. This gives you full flexibility in creating and managing DNS services for your domains as and when you need them.